Doors are closing in

How often do you think about quitting your job?

Once a year?... Once a week?... Once a day?

It's time to make a change...

It takes guts to quit

a job you don’t love.

Up to 80% of people will never take the plunge because they feel stuck.

Unfortunately, a person could easily waste tens of thousands of hours, before they are ready to make a change.

How long are YOU willing to wait?

Did you know - People spend upwards of $40,000+ on a 4-year degree, only to have to turn around and spend even more to get retrained when they switch careers?!

Did you know - People spend upwards of $40,000+ on a 4-year degree, only to have to turn around and spend even more to get retrained when they switch careers?!

Whether you’re staying in your job because you -

  • You don't have the money to train or retrain for a new career

  • Don’t have a college degree

  • Have a lot of debt from student loans or medical bills

  • Don’t think there is anything better you can do with your current skills

  • Think you can’t get the health benefits and retirement any other way

  • Worry you will be working 24/7 to make a decent income as a Virtual Assistant

  • Think remote work is only for call centers and other low paying jobs

  • English is not your first language

You’re spending nearly ⅓ of your life - EVERY YEAR - doing something that is making you stressed out, unhappy, leaving you disconnected & unfulfilled.

I have to ask... how long can you keep going while feeling-

  • Exhausted by the daily grind

  • Discouraged by the lack of flexibility in your job

  • Trapped! Chained to your desk, unappreciated for your hard work and dedication

  • Like you are missing your whole life for a job you don’t even like

You’re right! You need to work.

But do you really want to spend all that time doing something that is making you miserable?

I know I didn’t.

I understand where you’re at, I was there too.

After I left my corporate job 7 years ago, I was terrified.

Did I make a mistake?

Would my family be ok?

Would we have enough money to pay our bills?

My friends & family said things like...

As I transitioned to working as a Virtual Assistant I learned that none of the negative things I heard from well-meaning people were true.

I've gone on to have a successful career, as a

Virtual Assistant, that has allowed me to

  • Travel

  • Take time off, when I want

  • Make a great living

  • Be home with my son every day

  • Set my own work schedule

  • and... LOVE my work

When I started out, I was using the skills I already had to land virtual assistant jobs and I know you can too!

I want you to learn from my 7 years of success working as

  • a Virtual Assistant

  • an Agency Owner

  • an Educator to over 5000 Virtual Assistants

  • a Remote Hiring Consultant for hundreds of businesses

After all, no matter how amazing Google is, you can’t google search 7 years of someone's experience and their 5000 students' - just like you can’t google a college degree!

What you need is a step-by-step, proven system that will get you ready to launch your Virtual Assistant career - right now - with the skills you already have, (no retraining required!) so you can land an online job and say goodbye to the daily grind forever!

No matter what industry you’re in now-

you have skills that can help you

get started as a Virtual Assistant today!

That’s why I created...

VA Launch Party is the proven system, busy women

(and men!) use to land remote jobs in as little as 2 weeks

so they can say goodbye to the daily grind forever!

With VA Launch Party, you won't need to

Spend tens of thousands of dollars to retrain for a new career

Waste time and money working with a career coach

Pay someone to make you a resume that looks exactly like everyone else's and keeps you lost in the crowd

Instead - with my 1 of a kind system - you can learn everything you need to know to get started online as a Virtual Assistant in as little as 2 weeks using the skills you already have!

VA Launch Party will show you how to use the skills you already have and transition them into remote work that you can do today, as a Virtual Assistant!

No Retraining Required!!

Get clarity on your current skills and how you can use them to land jobs as a Virtual Assistant even if you’ve never had a “desk job” before.

Find out how easy it is to create a remote-ready resume with the skills you already have!

Understand how to price and package your services so you can make more and work less.

Work when you want and from where you want, so you never have to choose between your family and your job again.

Getting started working online

as a Virtual Assistant

is easier than you think.

You already have skills that will help you get your first remote job, it's time to create your dream life.

Why Choose VA Launch Party?

See what real students have to say!

I used to think opportunities like this didn’t exist but THIS IS HAPPENING!

Thank you for creating this amazing program!

Samantha O.

I am over the moon! I landed two clients already and a potential third one!

I would have never imagined I'd be landing clients just 2.5 months ago.

LeWahn W.

I started applying for VA jobs within 1 month of starting the program!

Precious R.

What's Inside

31 Lessons broken up into 6 modules

Module 1: Showcase Your skills

Learn about the hottest skills in remote work today and how your current skills can be used to land online jobs right now.

Walk away with:

A clear picture of your current skills and how you can use them to find remote work today.

Module 2: Rock your resume

In this module, I cover everything you need to know to showcase your skills on your remote resume.

Walk away with:

At the end of this module you’ll have a remote ready resume that you can use to start applying to jobs right away.

Module 3: Standout on social

Your social media presence is a huge asset when looking for remote work. This module focuses on ensuring that your social profiles are setting you up for success!

Walk away with:

You will have show stopping social profiles that will help you land your dream VA job.

Module 4: Landing clients like a pro

Learn the art and science behind landing clients. From networking to social media to proposals - I cover everything you need to expertly land clients, even if you’ve never done it before.

Walk away with:

By the end of this module, you’ll know exactly how to network and where to meet clients dying to work with you!

Module 5: Client Projects

Landing clients is just the beginning. Learn all my secrets to onboarding clients, managing client projects like a pro, and setting boundaries to avoid scope creep. You’ll discover the do’s and don’t when it comes to client projects so you never have to worry that you “won’t know what to do”.

Walk away with:

You’ll learn how to onboard and manage client projects so you never get overloaded.

Module 6: Bringing in that Dough

In this module, I cover everything you need to know to get PAID! I share with you my ultimate pricing guide so that you know what you can charge with the skills you have today. Plus I show you how I get paid virtually so you can do it too. I'll also cover taxes and health insurance so you know exactly what you need to do!

Walk away with:

You’ll learn how to price your services based on your current skills, how to actually get paid and how to get started with your new clients.

Plus 5 Hand Picked Bonuses

These bonuses have already helped my over 5000 students get jobs as Virtual Assistants!

The Perfect Interview

Interviewing for an online job isn’t the same as interviewing for a traditional position. Learn my top tricks!

Sending Contracts

Contracts matter. Learn the do’s and dont’s when it comes to contracts for remote work in this bonus masterclass.

Landing your

First Client

Take the guesswork out of landing that first client with this bonus training. You’ll learn everything you needed to know about remote clients.

Proposal Template

Create stunning proposals with this proposal template designed specifically for online jobs.

VA Mindset Series

No need to worry with this mindset series.

I cover everything I’ve done to set myself up for success and how you can too.

Doors close in

With VA Launch Party you get

31 Power-Packed lessons (Value $997)

Including Video trainings with real examples, an e-Book, worksheets, PDF downloads, Templates, and homework to set you up for success

Bonus 1 Secrets to the Perfect Interview (Value $97)

Bonus 2 Sending Contracts + Dos and Don’ts (Value $47)

Bonus 3 Landing your First Client (Value $97)

Bonus 4 Proposal Template (Value $197)

Bonus 5 Mindset for Virtual Assistants Series (Value $197)

Unlimited Access & Updates (Value $397)

Total Value: $2026

Regular Price $497

Today's Price $197

Hear From Some of Our Past Students

My first client is a travel blogger and influencer! AKA my dream client!

Brooklyn D.

Esther helped me get out of 15/hour jobs! [This] course changed my life!

Skye G.

I'm not even done and I have some great paid work and experience coming in! I haven't even applied for jobs but through networking, I found my first client!


I’m working for a children’s podcast company and loving it!

I’m creating content and designing graphics to improve their online presence!

Terra C.

After asking me what I did she INSTANTLY decided she needed me! I will now be creating & managing her Facebook page.

Elle B.

MY ONLY regret is that I didn’t join 2 years ago when I first discovered the program!

Angie H.

Now, the truth is,

anyone can be a Virtual Assistant…

  • But do you know how to start with the skills you currently have?
  • What to do once someone says yes?
  • How to send an invoice or manage taxes?

And yes, Google and YouTube videos exist but…

  • What do you even put in the search bar?
  • Can you get proven-to-work templates from there? Are they even legal?
  • Are you learning real skills from a trusted source?

Everything I teach in this program has already been used by thousands of people to SUCCESSFULLY land real, high-quality Virtual Assistant jobs.

Doors close soon!

With VA Launch Party you get

31 Power-Packed lessons (Value $997)

Including Video trainings with real examples, an e-Book, worksheets, PDF downloads, Templates, and homework to set you up for success

Bonus 1 Secrets to the Perfect Interview (Value $97)

Bonus 2 Sending Contracts + Dos and Don’ts (Value $47)

Bonus 3 Landing your First Client (Value $97)

Bonus 4 Proposal Template (Value $197)

Bonus 5 Mindset for Virtual Assistants Series (Value $197)

Unlimited Access & Updates (Value $397)

Total Value: $2026

Regular Price $497

Today's Price $197

Don't just take it from me...

I will forever be thankful for VAI for giving me the confidence to work online.

I landed three clients in only one week!!

Kate Lynn

I started the program, still working through it, but landed this client from Oregon!

I will be helping with social media scheduling, some copyright stuff, and data entry.

Cameron L.

I reached out to my dream client on Instagram (remote worker + traveler) and she happened to need help. We set up a discovery call and hit it off and I've been working a few hours every week with her ever since :)

Aliyah A.


How long do I get course access?

Course access is unlimited & you also get unlimited access to any updates made to the program.

When can I start applying for remote jobs?

You can start applying right away - although we recommend you have your resume completed first.

How long does it take to complete the course?

You can complete this course in as little as 1-2 weeks. (Some students dedicate a weekend to the program and power through in as little as 48 hours).

Do you guarantee that I will get a job?

There is an infinite number of external factors at play. We cannot guarantee that you will get a job, but we can guarantee that the things taught in each module have helped our over 5000 students land jobs as Virtual Assistants.

How is this different from

90 Day VA?

A Launch Party helps you use the skills you already have to get started working online as a Virtual Assistant. 90 Day VA is primarily skills training focused on learning the in-demand skills that every Virtual Assistant should know.

Does this program teach me everything I need to know to work as a virtual assistant?

This program teaches you to utilize the skills you already have to land jobs as a Virtual Assistant. If you want to learn industry-specific skills related to being a Virtual Assistant, please check out 90 Day VA.

If you’re tired of...

The 9 to 5 grind

& wasting hours in traffic

Spending too much time at work

Missing out on your life for your job

Being overworked and underpaid

Going to a job everyday that you don't love

Then it’s time to make a career shift and join the great resignation.

...but don’t jump ship without a life preserver.

Use the skills you already have to make a seamless transition into the remote work world - right now -

as a Virtual Assistant with VA Launch Party.

(without spending 10's of thousands of dollars to retrain for a new career!)

Doors close in

With VA Launch Party you get

31 Power-Packed lessons (Value $997)

Including Video trainings with real examples, an e-Book, worksheets, PDF downloads, Templates, and homework to set you up for success

Bonus 1 Secrets to the Perfect Interview (Value $97)

Bonus 2 Sending Contracts + Dos and Don’ts (Value $47)

Bonus 3 Landing your First Client (Value $97)

Bonus 4 Proposal Template (Value $197)

Bonus 5 Mindset for Virtual Assistants Series (Value $197)

Unlimited Access & Updates (Value $397)

Total Value: $2026

Regular Price $497

Today's Price $197

For support or questions, please email us at

Copyright © 2021 • ONLINE COURSE QUEEN LLC • A Virtual Assistant Internship Brand • All Rights Reserved • 521 COLLEGE STREET, ASHEVILLE, NC 28801